Training and learing new parts are always fun and when it comes to the networking. Well after doing busy projects and other works, i somehow managed to make a good schedule for my CCIE Security training, as posted before ““ the plan will be same and it will be followed accordingly.

Well started first book “ Cisco ASA: All-in-One Firewall, IPS, and VPN Adaptive Security Appliance “ and it was fun specially some small labs, but when it reaches the end, the quantity of the ASA’s and some configurations are increased, so for that my MacBook will not handle to run 4 ASA’s and ASDM’s with Some routers and hosting virtualization on it. So better plan for a good budget to have a dedicated Server in which i can run Windows, and install ESxI and start virtualization. I Like the way it handles the labs but will go parallel with GNS3 and also UnetLab, either i will or will not go with VIRL but it depends on the plan and availability of my resources and plans.

Searches some vendors and googled, but finally found a good Refurbished HP Server DL180G6 with Quad Core Xeon Processor, it has 32Gig of RAM and 500Gig HDD, in which i add 4 port of NIC Ethernet ports. Ordered the same and packed/tested by vendor and ready to ship. I could have done this with my MAC, but i don’t want my so lovely MAC to be overloaded and take that much pressure 😉 …

So Paused the labbing and training for a while and will proceed once i receive my little probabely within a week. So it is a good time to gather more info and have the resources available, once received the Server, shouldn’t wait for those thing….

Me very excited for this Server and hope i can use it for the rest of my time with CCIE Security.

Networking is Fun..

Cheers !

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